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A good realtor has the heart of an educator graphic

Find A Great Real Estate Agent The Easy Way

Looking to buy or sell your home? You may have noticed the vast amount of information available in the news and on the internet about real estate. When trying to make sense of it all, one can easily get overwhelmed or confused.

You need an agent who can help navigate the current housing market. If you are looking to sell, you need an agent who can help you price your home correctly and appropriately. If you are looking to buy, you need an agent who can help you determine what to offer on your dream home (without overpaying or offending the seller with a below-market offer).

How high should you price your home? How much should you offer on a listing? A great agent can help you determine these numbers, and help you come out on top.

Financial guru Dave Ramsey says,

“When getting help with money, whether it’s insurance, real estate or investments, you should always look for someone with the heart of a teacher, not the heart of a salesman.”

An Agent Who Knows Your Market Can Make Your Experience Easier

We admit, this seems rather obvious. But, how do you know whether an agent is really up-to-the-minute on what is happening in your real estate market? How do you know if they will take the time to simply and effectively explain what it all means and how it may affect you?

A simple way to find out is by searching through a real estate agent’s social media channels. What kind of material are they sharing? Are they using their social media platforms to share current, helpful information or are they just posting trendy recipes and inspirational quotes?

The best agents spend time educating and informing so you can be confident when buying or selling your home. What they share online will help you to determine whether an agent meets the description advised by Dave Ramsey above:  

“…you should always look for someone with the heart of a teacher.”

Do you know a great agent like this? What other tips do you have for us? Share this article with your additions.