Welcome to the University
Buying a home can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. This is where our Core Values and our policy really shine. We do all we can to make it easy for you. But we know that you still want to know more. You should feel comfortable with your home-buying experience. We’ve included some information on the mortgage loan process here to help answer questions.. some of which you may not have even known you had.
This is the Benchmark University. Browse, learn, and enjoy the journey to your new home.
Gather Documents
This is the paperwork that you will need to get together to get funding. click here
Free eBooks!
Buying? Selling? Short Sale? Didn’t Sell? We’ve got a free ebook for that. click here
Simplifying the Home Buying Process – 7 Steps
What Paperwork Will We Need?
In order to apply for a new mortgage, we will ask you to provide us with some documentation that we will need for the mortgage loan process. We will request a copy of your credit report from a credit agency and will verify the information provided in your loan application.
Be prepared to provide us with:
- Social Security numbers for all borrowers
- Copies of CHECKING and SAVINGS accounts statements for the past 2 MONTHS
- Evidence of other ASSETS such as STOCKS, BONDS, or 401K
- W-2 FORMS or INCOME TAX RETURNS for the past 2 YEARS
- The NAME and ADRESS of your EMPLOYER
- SALES CONTRACT for the purchase of a new home
- HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION information (if applicable)
Download Our Helpful eBooks, FREE!
8 Tips for Stress Free Home Buying
Congratulations, you’re ready to buy a home! Download our free eBook, “8 Tips for Stress Free Home Buying” and discover what to expect during your home buying experience. Learn how much home you can afford, pro tips, determine what you need, and work smarter.
Download the Buying Guide
29 Tips for Selling Your Home Fast
Do you want to know the secret to selling a home? In a short answer, it’s setting it up how a buyer wants to see it. Download the free Benchmark Mortgage eBook “29 Tips for Selling Your Home Fast” and discover the unique pro tips you’ll need to create a marketable home.
Download the Selling Fast Guide
The 20 FAQ’s of Short Sales
What is a short sale? Do you qualify? Do I have to be delinquent to get it? How long does it usually take? Where do I even begin? Short sales can be a stressful experience if you do not understand what it is you’re getting into. Download the Benchmark Mortgage eBook “20 FAQ’s of Short Sales” and discover the truth to this challenging loan scenario.
Download the Short Sale FAQ’s
4 Reasons Your Home Didn’t Sell
You were super excited because your agent made a ton of promises. Unfortunately, their secret formula didn’t seem to work. What went wrong? Because the mortgage process is so complex, sellers are often left with their hands in the air. Download the Benchmark Mortgage eBook “4 Reasons No One Bought Your House” and discover how you can drastically increase the chances of selling your home in 5 simple steps.
Download the Answers Now