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3 Tips to Getting the Best Home Insurance

If you’re a first-time homeowner, you might be a bit intimidated by the prospect of looking for the best home insurance coverage to protect your investment.

With all of the different insurance companies out there, it can be confusing to know which coverage options you need and how to get them at the lowest possible rate.

What follows are three tips that will help you compare home insurance so you find the policy that’s right for you.

  1. Find out what the policy covers and for how much you’ll be covered. For example, if you live in an area that’s at risk for tornadoes, you need to check to see how much coverage you have for wind damage.
  2. Review the policy carefully to see if you need additional insurance for floods or valuable possessions. Homeowners insurance doesn’t typically include flood insurance, so find out how to include that in your policy. In addition, if you have a lot of valuable possessions, such as a collection of antiques or art, find out if the policy offers enough coverage, or if you need additional insurance.
  3. Rates are always an important point when it comes to insurance. Check the annual and monthly premium amount to see if it’s viable for your situation. Also check the deductible amount to see how much that is. Remember, you always have to pay the deductible amount yourself, so you’ll have to have that money available in the event of a claim before your insurance coverage helps out.