15 Tips For An Easy Mortgage Process During The Holidays

‘Twas a crisp, cold, clear night, when we hoped for a house. 
With my hot cocoa stirring, I looked at my spouse. 
We’d mapped out our assets and budget with care, 
In hopes that our offer would not catch a snare. 
The children were nestled all snug in their beds, 
While dreams of new bedrooms danced in their heads. 
My spouse in their slippers, and I in my cap, 
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap. 
When from my cell phone there arose such a clatter, 
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. 
Seeing the name, I answered in a flash;
Our offer was accepted, with a loan, not of cash.
What a gift to receive, our hearts were aflutter — 
In the morning we'll celebrate with hot scones and butter. 
When what to my wondering eyes did appear, 
A little less worry and a little more cheer.
With the offer accepted, I hung up the phone.
Knowing that we were approved for the loan,
What should we do now? We were happy as larks!
The news was like light after uncertain dark,
I feel joy for the mortgage we have with Benchmark!

Your housing timeline may have you moving right in the middle of the holiday season. It can be a crazy time, but that’s no reason not to seize the day and make some holiday memories in a new home.

However, it’s also a season when personal budget planning often gets neglected to make room for extra joy and memories — sometimes with an expensive price tag.

Benchmark is here to help.

As you assess your financial situation, be mindful of your spending. Be aware of your normal budget, and pay careful attention to your holiday expenses.

At Benchmark, we are committed to delivering a smooth and easy mortgage process. Keep these lists handy as you start your home buying process this holiday season:


  • Keep an eye on your holiday budget — remember not to make big purchases that might affect your credit score.
  • Keep in mind that interest rates are sometimes lower during holiday months.
  • Let family and friends know that you have moved addresses so they know where to send your housewarming gifts!


  • Don’t make any large purchases that require credit checks or open new lines of credit. This can affect your credit score and change your loan status.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to complete and send the required documents to your loan officer. Doing it in a timely manner will ensure a smooth loan process.
  • Don’t rush putting an offer on a house just so you can close before the holiday season. Remember, this is a long-term decision.
  • Don’t use your entire down payment on holiday gifts. Save as much money as you can.
  • Don’t accept monetary gifts from relatives (e.g., accepting down payment assistance) without consulting your loan officer first.
  • Don’t open, transfer, or close any asset accounts without first discussing any plans with your loan officer.

This holiday season may look a little different. Maybe you forego large Christmas gifts and stick to a budget to keep your credit score on target and your mortgage process on track. But, your new home will likely be the best gift you receive this season — and we’d say that’s more than worth it.

“Home for the holidays” takes on a whole new meaning!

At Benchmark, we are committed to helping you with your home loan needs and decisions for future success.

Contact your local Benchmark branch. Contact us today for personalized information. Call me yourself or request a call from me. WeI would be honored to provide you with our famous excellent service for your new loan.


Benchmark brings you home.

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