The CHAD FLEMING Benchmark Experience
Certificate of Eligibility
Check Your Eligibility!
The certificate of eligibility(COE) is the first step towards deciding which loan products you can consider for your new home. All too often, veterans are told to begin the VA loan process without getting this certification, only to find later that they had been misled, and that they were ineligible for a VA mortgage from the start.
The professionals at Benchmark are determined to help our veterans start out on the right foot. Our goal is to serve you, and to equip you with the knowledge you need, even if you decide to go with another lender.
Our free COE service is not a sales pitch. It is simply a way to say “thank you” for serving our great nation. Scroll down, select your status, and tell us your name, number, and email address to get started today.
Get Your COE
(certificate of eligibility)
Select your status, and submit the form below.
Please use the dropdown above to select your current situation. The requirements for eligibility will display here, and your selection will be sent to your loan officer with the COE form below.
Requirements for Eligibility:
DD Form 214 - required to have a copy showing the character of service (item 24) and the narrative reason for separation (item 28).
Current or former National Guard or Reserve member who has been activated Federal active service
Requirements for Eligibility:
DD Form 214 - required to have a copy showing the character of service (item 24) and the narrative reason for separation (item 28).
Active Duty Servicemember
Requirements for Eligibility:
A current statement of service:
- signed by (or by the direction of):
the adjutant, personnel office, or commander of the unit or higher headquarters - showing:
Your full name
Social Security Number
Date of birth
Entry date on active duty
The duration of any lost time
The name of the command providing the information
Current National Guard or Reserve member who has never been Federal active service
Requirements for Eligibility:
Statement of service:
- signed by (or by the direction of):
the adjutant, personnel officer or commander of your unit or higher headquarters - showing:
Your full name
Social Security Number
Date of birth
Entry date on duty
The total number of creditable years of service
The duration of any lost time
The name of the command providing the information
Discharged member of the National Guard who has never been activated for Federal active service
Requirements for Eligibility:
NGB Form 22, Report of Separation and Record of Service, for each period of National Guard service
NGB Form 23, Retirement Points Accounting, and proof of the character of service
Discharged member of the Selected Reserve who has never been activated for Federal active service
Requirements for Eligibility:
Copy of your latest annual retirement points statement and evidence of honorable service
You are a Surviving Spouse in Receipt of DIC (Dependency & Indemnity Compensation) benefits
Requirements for Eligibility:
Submit VA form 26-1817 and veteran’s DD214 ( if available)
Include veteran’s and surviving spouse’s social security number on the 26-1817 form
You are a Surviving Spouse and are not receiving DIC (Dependency & Indemnity Compensation) benefits
Requirements for Eligibility:
Submit the following to the appropriate Compensation and Pension office:
- VA form 21-534
- DD214 (if available)
- Marriage License
- Death Certificate or DD Form 1300 – Report of Casualty
- Please find the mailing address for your state to send the VA 21-534 on the following link. PMC States