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5 Tips To A Great Start For The New School Year

Every new school year brings with it a clean slate, nervous excitement, optimistic hope, and high expectations. In addition to the tips we published before (A New School Year Means New Opportunities), here are 5 tips to getting off on the right foot.


A Place For Everything, And Everything In Its Place

Establish a designated place for all school supplies and papers. You will appreciate having a single location where school related items stay, especially when things get hectic.


Tell Your Calendar Who Is Boss

Schedule your family’s important doctor, dental, and other appointments ahead of time. Before blocking out your calendar with after school activities, block out important dates and appointments. The dates will be set, and you won’t be scrambling to fit them in later. Don’t forget to schedule your own appointments too!


Well Laid Plans Make Life Easier

When it comes to planning, anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Set yourself up for success by doing more than just planning. Over-plan, because failing to plan is planning to fail. Within a few short weeks, everyone in your household will ease into their own rhythm, and the hours will plan themselves. Until then, overdo your preparations for new learning strategies, new schedules, and new teachers.


Take The Time To Soak It All In

Don’t forget to stop and slow down every once in a while. Every new school year brings with it the excitement of novelty and the anticipation of change. Remember to stop every now and then, to take a deep breath, and to enjoy each moment. As Socrates famously said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.”


Embrace Your Inner Optimist

Attitudes are contagious, so remember to smile, maintain a positive attitude, and believe that the best is yet to come.