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Celebrating Our Veterans

Benchmark is thankful for all United States veterans and the sacrifices they’ve made for our country.

We asked some of our own veterans here at Benchmark to share what makes them proud to have served our great nation.

Jasper photograph

I am proud to have served in the US Navy. Volunteering four years of my life seems such a small sacrifice to protect this great country we live in. I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

-Jasper, Navy


At the time I joined, war had already been waged for 6 years. I felt I had the ability and responsibility to enlist and fight in hopes that my family, friends and future children would not have to. The experience left me with a much different outlook on our world. Nothing has ever or will ever fulfill me in the way that my time did. That’s why Benchmark is such a great fit for me. It supplies the tight knit and likeminded environment of people who come here daily to accomplish one mission.

Jerrod, Army


I wanted to do something different than the other girls. My time with the National Guard was spent helping the immediate community. You’re there at the worst of times. I loved that in those situations you get instant gratification knowing you’re making a real difference.

-Kathleen, National Guard