How You Can Honor "Mikey" Monsoor – Medal of Honor Recipient

We’ll never forget what he was like- how his charisma and dogged never-quit attitude continued on throughout all the hardships of battle.

On September 29th, 2006 “Mikey”, made the ultimate sacrifice when he laid his life down for 2 other members of our platoon.  When the grenade was tossed on the roof, it hit Mikey in the chest and landed on the ground right in front of him.  Mikey had an out- he could have taken cover and dove for the door behind him; Instead hey yelled, “Grenade” and dropped down on it, saving our two brothers to his right and left.

Amongst each other, we wonder what each of us would have done in that instant.  We’d all like to think we’d make as noble a sacrifice as Mikey did, but in that instant, instinct takes over and really there’s no way to know.  No one would have thought less of him had he dove for cover.  The instinct to protect yourself is natural.  But he didn’t.  Instead his Act of Valor is one we’ll all remember forever.  For this, Mikey was awarded the Medal of Honor, our Nations highest award for Military Valor.

The timing and circumstances that lead to the events on that fateful day rattle around in my head over and over again but I know Mikey gave me a second chance at life.  I know others in our platoon feel the same way- especially those who were closest to the blast.

It leaves me wondering…no challenging myself…constantly, “Andrew- what have you done today to EARN THIS?

I look at my two sons who have the chance to be raised by their father and I know that the highest and best way I can honor Mikey and his Act of Valor is to ensure that, not when my time comes to die, that I lay in wonder for what more I could have done- what more I could have done for my God, for my Country, for my Community, for my Family.

We can ALL honor Mikey and the men and women who have served and sacrificed for our Country by giving ALL WE CAN, no matter our vocation or occupation- we can ALL make a difference in our OWN way and you can too.

In THEIR own way this week, VFW Post 2082 in Lemon Grove, CA has renamed itself in honor of Michael Anthony Monsoor that his Act of Valor- what he represents for our freedom will live on and perhaps inspire a new generation of Americans to stand tall for our freedoms and way of life.


Andrew Paul, Branch Manager at Benchmark Mortgage San Diego, is a former Navy Seal and San Diego VA Loan Specialist. He understands DFAS, HOSTILE FIRE PAY and IMMINENT DANGER PAY. He has a family too and values the importance of owning a home to know your family is safe and secure while you’re away earning a living and defending freedom.