Everyone likes saving money and reducing your energy use in the summer is easier than you might think. Here are six tips to reduce summer heat in your house:
1. Don’t use the oven. Summer is a great time to grill or make one pot dishes to avoid heating the oven.
2. Check your hot water heater. Turn the thermostat down to 120-125 degrees to save costs on hot water.
3. Take a shower. A 5 minute shower uses about 1/3 of the hot water a bath uses.
4. Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes. Three of the biggest energy uses in a home is the washer, dryer, and dishwasher.
5. Turn off computers, printers, and home electronics when not in use.
6. Use ceiling fans. With a ceiling fan circulating the air, you can raise the thermostat about 4 degrees with no reduction in comfort.
These are just a few ideas to reduce summer heat in your house.
What have you found works for you?